January 16 Online Information Session: Kwantlen’s 2021-2022 Financial Statement & Remuneration Statement
Kwantlen’s former band council’s audited financial statement is now available for review. To help band members better understand the document, we are hosting an information session conducted by a third party, who is experienced in reserve government finances.
Meetings of this type, to review financial reports, are a normal occurrence in most First Nations, and they provide an opportunity for Band Members to understand what is being done in their name, and to hold their council to account for how their money is being spent.
The January 16th Information Session will be held on Zoom at 6.30pm. Zoom Meeting Information is below:
Topic: Online Information Session: Kwantlen's 2021-2022 Financial Statements
Time: Jan 2, 2023 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 822 4564 0442
Passcode: 808964
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