NOTICE: This webpage was created in early 2023 and is out of date. This page was created by Kwantlen’s November 2022 Council Members, and has no connection to the Indian Act administration run by Marilyn Gabriel. Governance rules of the Kwantlen Nation (including those which led to the election of the November 2022 Council Members) are currently before the courts - please see the Legal Notice at the top and bottom of this web page.
Kwantlen’s Future.
Kwantlen’s governance is now before the courts. This is the last battle with Marilyn Gabriel over our nation’s future. In just a few short months this case will be over and if there is justice, Kwantlen will be able to move on. With the end of one-person rule, we will no longer be subject to the whims, the personal grudges, and the personal limitations of one person. We will have a responsive council, and we will have a place for vision.
However, you may be asking yourself what comes next? Here is the timeline of what may happen over the coming months and years:
August: The lawsuit launched by Marilyn Gabriel is heard in federal court. A decision comes quickly, and Marilyn loses, the courts find that her removal was legitimate, and the new Council members are lawfully in place.
The day after: Marilyn leaves the band offices. Tumia and Les appear before the council, and re-take their seats. The full Council selects an interim chair person to convene meetings and represent the nation at events. All 5 council members are given portfolios.
October: The vote is held on a new Governance Code. It will likely be successful. Other referendum matters, such as for new By-Laws and for IR4 may also be brought to a vote at this time.
December: Elections are held under the new Governance Code and 5 new council members are elected.
January: The new council is seated. They are given the option under the governance code to elect a Hereditary Chief to carry out symbolic duties during their term. This is an optional position and each Council will be able to opt for a Hereditary Chief, or opt to leave the position vacant.
Like every future Council meeting, this one is held in public view, and broadcast to all members via Zoom.
Council members are each elected to a different portfolio: Intergovernmental Affairs, Health & Housing, Finance, Culture, and Resources (including fisheries).
A full forensic audit of the band is launched, to investigate spending under Marilyn Gabriel. An external HR consultant is brought in to aide the reform of band administration, and to ensure that staff are treated fairly, and that this becomes a safe and healthy work environment where poor behaviour is not tolerated.
February: The first Quarterly Band Meeting is convened, where members receive updates from each council member on their portfolio, give input on new band business, and discuss any problems they may be facing with council.
Cultural leaders are invited in from other nations, to help regular Kwantlen people to engage with our culture, and to participate in the longhouse as equals.
April: The band’s corporations are renewed under new leadership and with a new mandate to match the success of the MST Development Corporation (the billion dollar corporation owned by Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh).
May: The outcome of the audit is made public and also submitted to band legal counsel for review.
November: The first AGM of the band takes place, where the band’s audited Annual Statement will be shared with the public and explained. This type of meeting will happen every year as it does at most other First Nations.
December: The first Christmas disbursement of a democratic council. Voters will undoubtedly expect it to match what our neighbouring nations give.
October: The 2-year review of the Governance Code will begin. The Governance Code requires a review of how it works after the first 2 years, and any changes that are required or desired are done at this time. The Kwantlen people lead this project.
In the years ahead we expect Kwantlen’s population to explode, likely into the thousands (from its current 381). Many people who could register at Kwantlen, have instead registered at other bands. Others have chosen not to register at all - because Kwantlen under Marilyn wasn’t inviting, or raised obstacles to registration. We have heard from other nations who made a similar change, that they saw their population grow by huge numbers. With more people comes more talent, more resources, and a richer culture.
The Kwantlen of the 2030s and beyond, the one we are working on building right now, will be the leader among all Coast Salish peoples. The wealthiest, most culturally vibrant, the most peaceful, the most equal, and the Nation that every other Native people on the continent look to as an example of success.